10 Shocking Myths, Rumors and Misinformation to avoid about Covid-19!!
10 Shocking Myths, Rumors and Misinformation spreading like wildfire during corona virus ; Corona Virus: Coronavirus is a serious contagious pandemic that has engulfed almost whole globe. People all around the world are under strict lockdown. All the businesses and trade all across the globe is cut to zero. Also, surprisingly and shockingly, the Oil Price per barrel of US market has dropped to less than a Dollar( Some cents) which means Water has now more worth than Oil these days. This means the odds are not in world`s power these days. Coronavirus has shattered everything that is happening around the world whether it be sports, trading, and everything. Due to this, globalization has now near its death. Coronavirus has spread much fear during these days not because this disease is incurable or because people are dying from it but because people are spreading fake news, rumors, and misinformation about Coronavirus. ...